April 12, 2013

3 Peas In a Pod - Part 1

A day I will never forget....

When you are getting your first sonogram at Shady Grove Fertility, after a positive pregnancy test and you hear "Oh, that's interesting!" from your doctor - you look at the screen - you see 3 heartbeats - your husband turns sheet white - your eyes get as big as baseballs and you just try to breathe!  In that moment you know your life, your husbands life and your 2 year old daughter's life is about to change forever!

So in a few weeks my Triplets will be 7!  Seriously, 7 years old - are you kidding me!!!

It doesn't seem like that long ago that I was waddling my way down the hall of the maternity floor at AAMC to the ER to deliver my little miracles.  My parents and "Big Sister Denise" in the waiting room, while Cindy and Jim were taking care of Helena until delivery was over and everyone was in recovery or the NICU.

It took 6 minutes for our family to double from 3 to 6 - how ironic right - 6 minutes!  First came Parker, then Preston one minute later and then Peyton 5 minutes after that (he didn't want to join the party as fast as his brothers).  The NICU nurses brought them over to me so I could see each of them were doing just fine, give them a quick kiss and off they went to the NICU. 

36 pounds lighter I was taken to recovery to make sure everything was OK and then the coolest thing ever.....the PR person happened to be walking down the hall when my parade of boys was crossing from the ER to the NICU.  She inquired about the delivery and asked if she could speak to me.  I was warm under that blankets in recovery and not on my way anywhere fast so I said sure.  She asked me if it would be OK to contact the news and local newspaper to announce the successful birth of the Trips.  WHAT?  SERIOUSLY?  Of course I said yes!  It was right around the time they were going to have a big fundraiser for the new NICU and we just happened to make our arrival to help promote it.

So after getting a quick visit to the NICU to visit my boys on the way to my room, I just took it all in!

I had just delivered 3 healthy, baby boys who were thriving.  I could actually see my feet if I stood up for the first time in months, I could breathe easier because Peyton's head and bum were not in my ribs anymore, I did not have to constantly go to the "potty" because Parker and Preston were no longer wrestling on my bladder, I had lost 36 pounds and tomorrow we were going to be on TV and in the local paper.....WOW, how quickly my life (our lives) had just changed! 

April 6, 2013

The Coolest Chick I Know! (and guess what?......She's Mine!)

Ok, so it was on Monday that I finished taking 586 shots of meds and blood thinner (in the arse) and delivered a 5lb 11oz baby girl (after a day of labor) named after my Polish Grandmother and Great-Grandmother....RIGHT!?!?!?!

Then I blinked and it was 3 years later on a Wednesday and my Little Doodlebug just became a big sister to Triplet Brothers (WOW, she had no idea what she was in for...hehehehe)!  We skipped Tuesday, as a new mom it was a blurry time for a while!

So then I took a nap - thanks to Kristen and Angie for giving me some "free time" the summer after the Trips were born!  But.....

I woke up and it was 1 years later on a Tuesday when my little Doodlebug was getting ready to get on the school bus for PreK!  There I was at the top of the driveway, trying to wrangle 3 little boys wearing monkey backpacks (luckily the backpacks had tails) and take a picture of my "big girl"!  Who by the way barely said Good Bye! So after a good cry.....

Nap time was pretty regular those days, so I got in an hour nap and BAM!  My Doodlebug is getting ready to finish the 4th grade and move on to middle school - SERIOUSLY!  My Baby Girl Is Growing UP and no one asked me if it was OK, it just happened in a blink of an eye!

Now let me tell you why she is the Coolest Chick I Know......

*She was born at 34 weeks with this awesome dimple that I like to think is a kiss on the cheek from the older sister she never go to meet! (for those of you who don't know, I lost a pregnancy at 16 weeks the year before)

*She takes her schoolwork very seriously - "Mom, can you believe I only got 8 A's on my report card.  I got 4 B's...ugh!"  My parents tell me she reminds them of someone they know, but WHO?

*She has always been spunky and fearless!  She was very tolerant when Mommy was so tired before "the brothers" (as she used to call them) arrived, she could recite Nemo we watched it so much!

*She would visit "the brothers" in the NICU and asked me one day "How many of them do we get to bring home?"

*She is an awesome baker and loves to cook! (But, she hates to clean - anything)

*She has visited Alaska, The Smokey Mountains of Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Delaware and every state from Maryland to Florida.  She loves Ocean City as much as Deep Creek Lake.  She love to camp but will stay in a Hampton Inn or Disney resort with no problem!

*She raises chickens and has a bunny.  She really enjoys 4H and has won several blue ribbons at the County Fair including one for her Bramaha Hen,  homemade pineapple upside down cupcakes and homemade triple berry jam!

*She has received a blue ribbon in a county speech competition for the last 2 years and she is only 9...when I was 9, I would have never stood in front of a crowd like that unless it was on a stage dancing!

*She has had her first big argument with her BFF and worked it out on her own.  I told her some friends are more like sisters, so you just work it out and move on!

*She asked to take hunter safety so she could learn how to be a safe hunter.  She wrote an essay on "Why I would like to earn a free day of hunting" and won!  Thanks to Uncle Will, she hunted on Jr. Hunt day for deer.  She didn't get one, but she saw 25!

*She can go from Princess To Tom Boy in the blink of an eye, luckily Real Tree comes in Pink!  Her favorite Princess is Mulan and Merida is just to coolest!  (Imagine that a "real" Tom Boy Princess with triplet brothers)

*She chose to have a birthday party at Tuckahoe State Park last year, so she and her friends could climb a 40' rock wall, zipline down and go on a 30' rope swing!

*She can do long jump rope in the push up position, that's right I said jump rope in the push up position.  I have seen her "jump" this way up to 9 repetitions.....WOW!!

And as the proud Mom of this Chicklet, I could go on and on, but I will keep you posted on the new adventures of my little angle as this year goes on so.....STAY TUNED!

April 4, 2013

4 Reasons for My "Dings" that Equal Moments In Time!



A Moment in Time X 3

Last year at the Triplets Birthday Party, I was telling my Uncle Walt about the time the boys were chasing each other around with the broom and somehow - MAGICALLY - the broom handle ended up sticking out of the wall on a 45* angle.  When questioned about how it happened the response was unanimous "Brittany did it Mom!".

For those of you who don't know, Brittany was our dog.  At the time, she was a 15 year old cocker spaniel who could not see or hear very well!  So the AMAZING Brittany, chased the boys down the steps with the broom and ended up putting it through the wall......I wish I had this for You Tube, I could be so rich by now - or at least have been invited to be on ELLEN!

Everyone was laughing and I have to admit even though I did not think it was funny at the time - it is pretty hilarious now - 2 years later!!  But my uncle said to me, "You know Denise, when you look at that wall you will always remember that moment in time when the Trips put the broom through the wall, and laugh.  Every "ding" in the wall or stain in the carpet was caused by an event in your life."

And he was 110% correct!  Every time I walk down the steps, I laugh to myself because I think about that moment.  When I see the scuffed corners of the walls and baseboards I remember that my little boys used to run their cars and trucks along them. 

When I look at my kitchen table and see that one side of the table has been worn more than the other, I remember it is because 3 little boys sat there together for several years and made mess, after mess, after mess and had to be wiped 3x's as much as the other side.

And when I put their clothes away and see the broken drawer on their dresser, I remember the time I caught them "napping" - I mean sliding down the mattress they propped against the dresser (it is not a tall dresser, but one that was a changing table).  The broken drawer happened when they used it as a ladder to reach the top of the "slide"!  That was when naps ended - for all of us!

So tonight as I watched my sons put on batting helmets and hit baseballs for the first time with their team - the BLUE CLAWS - I realized that my boys are growing up fast!  They are quickly on their way to 7 and there may not be "dings" on my walls anymore, but mud from the baseball field from the shoes they were supposed to take off before coming in or 3 baseball gloves laying in the middle of the floor (right inside the door). 

As I start to straighten up, once again, before going to bed tonight, I will complain about the mud, the crumbs from the endless amount of food they can consume, load the dishwasher for the second time today and finish packing lunches.  Then I will go upstairs one more time and check on all 4 of my Little Angels - to make sure the lights that got turned back on after I tucked them in the first time are off, all books are secure under their pillows and everyone is snuggled up tight - I will kiss them all once more because without them (and their Big Sister, of course) my life would be so "UNEVENTFUL!".