This is really a 2 part request...
Part 1 - H. really wants to know why and as stated before I am beginning to wonder myself, so if you have any real answer to the question - Please let me know!!!!! Being 4 is tough when you are trying to figure out the mystery of the universe!! She makes me laugh when I give her the answer and she disagrees and proceeds to tell me what the correct answer is, only to make my head spin while trying to rationalize where her answer came from!!! Don't get me wrong, I truly do love our debates over why spiders make webs and why the trash man comes on Tuesday morning. My favorite debate of all is when I tell her she is my "Best Girl" and she tells me I am her "Best Mommy"! Who wants to argue with that????
Part 2 - Why do the Trips pull each other down and lay on top of the other, only to snag a piece of cracker when more is in the bowl? Why do the Trips like to climb on my chair to see out the window, but feel that is not close enough to nature that they must try to stand on the windowsill? Why do the Trips like to scream like little girls when they want something, only to have J. get the look of "This cannot be my future line of the football team!"? Why do the Trips like to take off all of their clothes after nap, but before they call for me to get them? Why do the Trips like to crawl in bed with H. in the morning to wake her up and give her kisses, only to leave her as quickly as they swarmed in? (She loves this by the way!!!)
Why do the Trips like to give big, wet kisses and run by you hugs, only to leave you wondering - How did I get so lucky!!!!!
I guess I answered my own question!
**When the Trips were put down for nap, they were all fully clothed in jeans and long sleeve shirts! Parker is totally naked, that is why you only see his face in these pics!!
1 comment:
when you figure out the answers, please share with the rest of us. my 4 year old constantly asks me "how you know?" as in "how you know that is peanut butter?" or "how you know that today is a school day?" i spend my days trying to answer how i know. but its all worth it when he says "mommy, i love you to infinity and beyond."
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