Saturday, May 3, 2008 - Parker, Preston and Peyton offically became 2 big years old. Looking back at their 1st Birthday pictures it is hard for me to believe how much they have grown. Last year at this time they were barely walking, now I can barely catch them when they run around the yard. They keep me busy - no doubt about that - but I would not trade any day (good or bad) for the world. Each day with them proves to be a new experience in learning, patience and laughter. I get to watch them grow into little men and be surprised each day.
Every morning when they wake up, the first thing they do is go into Helena's room and wake her up. She, like her mother (and Godmother), is not a morning person, but she gladly shares the covers with Preston, Parker ususally jumps on the bed and Peyton pats her on the head to wake her up. This is the beginning of our morning ritual......and to be honest I don't think she would change it for all of the Barbie clothes in Toys'R'Us!

This year we chose to do a Backyardigans Theme - the boys love to sing and dance with Pablo, Uniqua, Tasha, Tyrone and Austin. (Could someone tell me what Uniqua is???) They received some really great presents from our family and friends - a new wardrobe for summer, a drumb set (thanks to Godmother Kristen), a Mickey Mouse table, an alphabet train (that Helena loves), talking cars, Disney pj's, a water table, toys and a nice contribution to their college fund!
Helena got each brother a new board book and decorated each bag all by herself. Mommy and Daddy - we had fun - we got the boys a John Deere Loader, Gator and Tractor with a pull behind cart. They are all battery powered so they can ride
around the yard.

The day proved to be a great one - the boys had fun, the food was good and we got to celebrate with family and friends.
We got a really nice surprise in the late after noon - Mr. Louie who is in the States for training came to visit us before he headed back to Malaysia. We will not get to see him when we are in Alaska visiting Ms. Pam and the kids this summer, he arrives almost 2 weeks after we leave.
1 comment:
YAY! I've been waiting for these photos and the Birthday update!! Happy Birthday boys - looks like a fun time was had by all. We'll make our way over there again one of these days and try out those new trucks...Helena is a natural in that tutu - she's looks so cute.
D, I don't know how you do it!
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