June 8, 2009

Multi-Tasking at its Best

Today was one of those days that only a Mom could have pulled off.....

8:15 - Helena got on bus to go to school
9:00 - Headed to Lauri's for an AMOM Budget meeting with the boys
9:15 - stopped at Kent Narrows so all boys could pee pee in the cup, because they just went before we left
10:30 - picked up coffee for Me and Nicole, fountain diet for Lauri at Einsteins, Vivian got her own at Starbucks!
10:40 - arrive at Lauri's for meeting which is actually a play date for (3) 5 year olds, (5) 3 year olds and (2) 2 year olds while me, Lauri, Vivian and Nicole have a budget meeting.... while Lauri highlight my hair.
12:45 - with newly highlighted hair, budget meeting is over and very productive while Lauri's house looks like a cyclone went through it
1:00 - cyclone is gone as MOMs cleanup in record time with lightning speed! Nicole heads home to meet school bus
1:30 - lunch for 6 kids and 2 Mommy's is on the table while 2 Mommy's contemplate trip to Kohl's after eating said sandwich
2:00 - trip to Kohl's is put on hold so I can make sure I am home before the bus to get Helena and we say our Goodbye's to the Millers!
2:03 - Parker, Preston and Peyton are snoring in van on way home, I am jealous I cannot join in the fun!
3:00 - arrive home with sleeping angels who wake up the minute I open the garage door and beg to play outside in the water....thank you Aunt Molly for the triple slip-n-slide!....until Helena comes home....so we do!

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