June 8, 2008

Family Update!

The computer type that is, the animal - not my favorite, but being a horticulturalist I appreciate the work that they do for the planet! About 2 weeks ago we got a worm on our computer, hence the reason we have not updated the blog in quite a while. Who in the world has time to sit around and develop a "worm" to basically cause people grief, money and more grief. All for the purpose of ????

Anyway, there have been some big events in our family over the last few weeks. Baby Brice had made his appearance, Baby Taylor just made her debut yesterday, "Little" Chris graduated from High School, Angie and Sarah graduated from the 8th grade, Lilly graduated from Pre K and Helena had her first Ballet Recital yesterday! I think that covers it all in the short and sweet version.

Big things are happening and it may seem crazy to someone who comes from a small family, but to us, it is just a normal year! There is always a graduation of some sort, and if we are lucky a wedding and birth (or 2). It just means that as a family, we are growing and growing. It is hard to believe that we all came from one Little Polish Lady who used to love to stand with her hands on her hips! God Bless her, I often wonder at times if she even knew what HE had in store for her when she became a mom. I like to think that those who have moved "up" in this world have the best times up "there" drinking a shot of vodka, eating the best food, playing jokes on each other and often join us in spirit when we are sharing the big (and small) events as well.

I have friends who come from very small families or from families that do not communicate and I just think of how much fun they are missing out on! It is not always a walk in the park, don't get me wrong, but I like knowing that at any moment I have an army of loved ones that will get me through the good, the bad and the ugly if need be!

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